Thursday 7 November 2013

Just a quick update!

Just a quick update while I'm sat in the internet cafe waiting for others to finish. Today is a training day, and we have planned our final two weeks here. I can't believe how fast it has gone! We are slowing down on the building project side of things, which means we have more time to get involved with people, doing bible studies, visiting the leper colony, the disability school (where are the albinos are - thank you to everyone who donated hats or glasses, I'll let you know how it goes when we give them out next week!), and lots of time to eat lunch with the locals (hurray for rice in huge quantities....!). I have spent loads of time with Rehema this week on the craft side of things, helping them get ready for Saturday. I am so excited for this Christmas fair, everyone on the team is behind it and there is going to be so much going on! Rehema has been such a great place for us while we've been out here that it's great to have the opportunity to give something back. Praying that it will be a huge success! The past few days have been a bit wetter, so hopefully our prayers have been answered and the rainy season is properly starting. Although it can sometimes disrupt our work, working in the rain is actually rather fun. Majani (the boy with the hole in his leg) has had his first operation and will hopefully be coming home tomorrow. I will let you know how he is after we've met up with him next week. We took Mtani's wheelchair back to him this week after it had supposedly been altered, only to find they hadn't done what we'd asked, so that's gone back to the workshop and will hopefully be sorted this week. Been thinking about what I miss and what I don't miss from home this week. Besides people, the biggest thing I miss is cereal and milk! The milk powder we use out here is gross!!

Prayer requests:
Enthusiasm - Pray that we will be just as excited about focusing on work with people rather than building projects. Pray that the people we work with will be open minded and will be receptive to message we share.
Rehema fair - Pray that is goes really well and loads of people come, and that it is a great day for all.
Wisdom - as we draw towards the end and our budget become tighter, pray that we will have wisdom in how to spend our money.

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